Learning and Development Facilitator


NQF Level 5 | 36 Credits | Duration 30 weeks

To view price please download the 2024 Handbook

Course Intention

This qualification consists of Knowledge Component and Application Component as follows:

The skills set: learning and development facilitation is derived from this skills programme and is needed in the
organisations to support skills development on a national, regional and local level. This skills set is a component of the broader competency derived from Training and Development Practitioner qualification.

Learning and Development Facilitator skills set is intended to develop competencies for employees located in the human resource management or development space within an organisation to ensure that effective skills development is driven within an organisation. A learner who achieves competencies for this skills programme will be able to plan, select and adapt learning resources required for the delivery of learning interventions in an occupational context.

This qualification consists of Knowledge Component, Application Component as follows:

Knowledge Component

  • KM-01, The statutory learning and development environment, NQF Level 5, Credits 8
  • KM-04, Facilitation of learning in occupational contexts, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

Application Component

  • PM-04, Facilitate different methodologies, training styles and techniques within an occupational learning context, NQF Level 5, Credits 12
  • WM-04, Facilitate an occupational learning session, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

Admission Requirements

  • NQF level 4 with Communications

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