NQF Level 5 | 20 Credits | Duration 6 months
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Course Intention
This qualification consists of Knowledge Component and Application Component as follows:
Learning Support Facilitators apply tools and methods to improve the performance of learners in their studies. A Learning Support Facilitator profile, evaluate, prepare, facilitate, support and evaluate learning of learners after teaching. A competent learner shall demonstrate among others the following attributes: communication, problem solving, coaching, emotional intelligence, mentoring and self-confidence.
Qualified learners will be able to:
- Support teaching and learning processes
- Identify, analyse and remedy learning barriers
- Implement and evaluate learning support methods
- Conduct formative assessments.
- Facilitate learner support
This qualification consists of Knowledge Component, Application Component as follows:
Knowledge Component
- KM-01 Barriers to learning, NQF Level 5, Credits 2.
- KM-02 Learning support methods and interventions, NQF Level 5, Credits 2.
- KM-03 Techniques for language and learning remediation, NQF Level 5, Credits 2.
- KM-04 Methods of formative assessment, NQF Level 5, Credits 2.
Application Component
- PM-01 Profiling and identifying learning barriers, NQF Level 5, Credits 2.
- PM-02 Facilitating learner support, NQF Level 5, Credits 8
- PM-03 Conduct formative assessment, NQF Level 5, Credits 2
Admission Requirements
- NQF level 4 qualification
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