NQF Level 2 | 30 Credits | Duration 4 weeks
To view price please download the 2024 Handbook
Course Intention
The purpose of the programme is to prepare the young and unemployed for work
(environment) placement.
Qualified learner will be able to:
- Gain better insight about employment and expectations,
- Present themselves well for interviews;
- Make a good impression to prospective employers;
- Manage work activities efficiently
- Communicate effectively within a team
- Manage him/herself, including his/her money.
- Protect one and others at work place
This qualification consists of Knowledge Component, Application Component as follows:
Knowledge Component
- Why work and Why You matter
- Job search and Growth mind-set
- Know yourself to grow yourself
- Expectations
- Professionalism
- Onboarding – Getting it Right
- Succeeding in the workplace
- Money Management I
- Money
- Management II
- Time Management
- Interview and Communication
- Teamwork
- Problem solving and critical thinking
- Beat COVID-19
Application Component
- CV Preparation and cover Letter
- Interviews role-play
- Personal Budget development
- Teamwork
Admission Requirements
- None
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