Supply and Distribution Manager


NQF Level 7 | 125 Credits | Duration 18 months

To view price please download the 2024 Handbook

Course Intention

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Supply Chain Manager.
This qualification is designed to provide the learner with generic management, human relationships, financial, and specific supply chain and operations knowledge and skills which can be applied in different sectors. It provides the learners with skills to become competent supply chain and operations workers and managers on both functional and strategic levels. The Supply Chain Manager plans and manages all activities involved in sourcing and procurement
and all logistic management activities. It includes coordination and collaboration with partners that can be suppliers and customers. In essence, the Supply Chain Manager integrates supply and demand management within and across boundaries.

Qualified learners will be able to:

  • Develop an operational plan for your specific supply chain function.
  • Compile a risk analysis, including a contingency plan for your unit.
  • Develop performance standards to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of your division, yourself and your suppliers.
  • Design a storage and distribution network.
  • Develop and implement an international trade strategy.

Course Content

This qualification consists of Knowledge Modules, Practical Skill Modules and Work Place Based
Learning Modules as follows:

Knowledge Modules

  • KM-01: Supply Chain Management Theory. NQF level 7 (10)
  • KM-02: Risks and Supply Chain Vulnerability Theory. NQF level 7 (10)
  • KM-03: Supply Chain Performance Measurement Theory. NQF level 7 (10)
  • KM-04: Storage and Distribution Theory. NQF level 7 (10)
  • KM-05: International Trade Theory, NQF Level 7, (5)

Practical Modules

  • PM-01: Manage the supply chain function effectively and efficiently NQF level 7 (10)
  • PM-02: Use risk assessment tools and techniques within supply chain management NQF level 7 (10)
  • PM-03: Improve supply chain efficiency and effectiveness NQF level 7 (10)
  • PM-04: Manage storage and distribution NQF level 7 (10)
  • PM-05: Implement international trade and counter trade system. NQF level 7 (5)

Work Experience Modules

  • WM-01: Business planning – and decision-making techniques for supply chain in a variety of economic sectors. NQF level 7 (Credits: 10)
  • WM-02: Effective risk processes and procedures within supply chain NQF level 7 (Credits: 10)
  • WM-03: Tools in improving supply chain performance NQF level 7 (Credits: 10)
  • WM-04: Stores and distribution management processes throughout the supply chain. NQF level 7 (Credits: 10)
  • WM-05: International trade processes within the supply chain. NQF level 7 (Credits: 5)

Admission Requirements

NQF Level 4 with Communication

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