NQF Level 6 | 150 Credits | Duration 18 months
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Course Intention
The purpose of this qualification is to prepare and equip Public Administrators with key skills and knowledge needed to effectively operate in the public sector. It is designed to prepare these learners on how to manage, organise, and analyse the effects of government policies, and to use business and statistical tools to solve public sector challenges in an ethical manner. Learners will develop skills in budgeting and conducting research.
The Occupational Certificate is aimed at enhancing the various key functional elements of the work of a Public Service Administrator, namely:
- Planning – working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise.
- Organising – the establishment of the formal structure of authority through which work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and coordinated for the defined objective.
- Staffing – the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favourable conditions of work.
- Directing – the continuous task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader of the organisation.
- Coordinating – the all important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work; OR the common thread that runs through all the activities of the organisation.
- Reporting – keeping those to whom the executive is responsible informed as to what is going on, which thus includes keeping himself/herself and his/her subordinates informed through records, research, and inspection.
- Budgeting – with all that goes with budgeting in the form of planning, accounting and control.
Course Content
This qualification consists of Knowledge Modules, Practical Skill Modules and Work Place Based Learning Modules as follows:
Knowledge Modules
- KM-01, Batho Pele Principles, L05, Cr1
- KM-02, Government System, L05, Cr2
- KM-03, Conditions of Service, L05, Cr2
- KM-04, Public Policies and Service Delivery, L05, Cr3
- KM-05, Public Service Communication and Administration, L05, Cr2
- KM-06, Programme and Project Management, L05, Cr2
- KM-07, Ethics, Good Administration and Integrity in the Public Service, L05, Cr2
- KM-08, Developing and Managing Self and Others in the Workplace, L05, Cr4
- KM-09, Financial and Supply Chain Management, L05, Cr3
Practical Modules
- PM-01, Defining service delivery criteria for a specific work context, L05, Cr2
- PM-02, Building Service Delivery Partnerships and Communicating with Citisens, Stakeholders, and Co-workers, L05, Cr1
- PM-03, Administering and managing workplace outputs, L05, Cr1
- PM-04, Developing and Managing Human Resources, L05, Cr2
- PM-05, Administering and Managing Finance and Supply Chain Management , L05, Cr3
Work Experience Modules
- WM-01, Apply Batho Pele principles as it relates to the Constitution, relevant policies and legislative frameworks to specific work role and service delivery context (Level 1-5), L05, Cr4
- WM-02, APPLYING Batho Pele principles as it relates to the Constitution, relevant policies and legislative frameworks to specific work role and service delivery context (Level 6-12), L05, Cr4
- WM-03, Building service delivery partnerships and communicating with citisens, stakeholders, and co-workers (Level 1-5), L05, Cr1
- WM-04, Building service delivery partnerships and communicating with citisens, stakeholders, and co-workers (Level 6-12), L05, Cr1
- WM-05, Managing workplace outputs (Level 1-5), L05, Cr1
- WM-06, Managing workplace outputs (Level 6-12), L05, Cr1
- WM-07, Manage people and self in the workplace, L05, Cr2
- WM-08, Apply value driven and appropriate financial and supply chain principles (Level 1-5), L05, Cr4
- WM-09, Apply value driven and appropriate financial and supply chain management principles (Level 6-12), L05, Cr4
Admission Requirements
- None
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