NQF Level 5 | 25 Credits | Duration 6 months
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Course Intention
This training program will train those working in community development, policing, social work, social development work, education and many other sectors in extensive education material on alcohol and many of the common drugs and substances. It is meant to provide extensive specialist knowledge on what each substance is, what it looks like, what it is made of, what its short term and long term effects are on the mind and body.
It provides researched information as to why people use drugs, how addiction works, and many case histories covering these facts.
This is intended to be presented in simple language, not medical language, so that it can be used in a powerful and effective community development intervention—empowering the community with knowledge to make better decisions with regard to drug and alcohol abuse.
It will enable him to learn and attain basic drug education himself, in order to attain insight on what drugs really are and how they affect the society and the world.
The learner will learn how this will transform into his own performance in facilitation of drug and alcohol education intervention.
This will also cover the basic administration and organisation procedures to form sustainable drug education/awareness chapters and basic public relations techniques to raise awareness to and promote a drug and alcohol abuse awareness/education intervention.
Qualified learner will be able to:
- Have a deep personal understanding of the effects of drug and alcohol abuse and its effects on a person, a family, the workplace and a community.
- Facilitate a community based drug and alcohol abuse education or awareness activity.
- Organise, schedule and facilitate a drug and alcohol abuse education and awareness intervention.
- Compile and present a Community Development Intervention report.
- Apply foundational marketing and public relations tools in a community development context
- Establish, organise and operate a formal practice or chapter for the performance of this intervention
This qualification consists of Knowledge Component, Application Component as follows:
Knowledge Component
- Community facilitation, Integrity, Honesty and Ethics
- Community Based Drug Information and Education
- Types of drugs, effects and impact on individuals, families, workplace, schools and communities
- Community based Drugs intervention programme and strategies
Application Component
- Community Development Drug and Alcohol Abuse Education/Awareness Intervention Facilitation
- Foundational Community Based Public Relations
- Community Development Intervention Implementation: Drug and Alcohol Education/ Awareness
Admission Requirements
- NQF Level 4
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