NQF Level 5 | 25 Credits | Duration 6 weeks
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Course Intention
The purpose of this Skills Programme is to prepare a learner to function as a Community Counsellor.
Community Counsellors provide knowledge on the theory behind physical and spiritual wellness, trauma, bereavement and strategies of supportive counselling to bring relief or mitigation of these and attain greater spiritual and mental wellness, both in one-on-one community counselling sessions and supportive community counselling and healing.
Qualified learner will be able to:
- Apply the theory and practice of structured methods of supportive community counselling and healing in denominational or non-denominational contexts.
- Select and apply causes, effects and supportive counselling strategies to address at least six different conditions, such as illness, bereavement, stress, depression, guilt, issues of youth, domestic and gender based violence and abuse, substance abuse, crisis, trauma.
- Apply advanced communication skills.
- Implement at least one structured supportive community counselling model.
- Establish, coordinate and facilitate the structure, organisation and community support and healing group.
Course Content
This qualification consists of Knowledge Component, Application Component as follows:
Knowledge Component
- Principles of Structured Supportive Community Counselling
- Methods of Structured Supportive Community Counselling
Application Component
- Practical Methods of Supportive Community Counselling
- Facilitation of Community Counselling Support Groups and Group Healing Sessions
Admission Requirements
- NQF Level 4
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